How can we help?
We know that you have been suffering for far too long. Below you will find brief descriptions on each modality offered followed by a Non exhaustive list of ailments and diss-ease we may be able to help with.
We also know that this may be treatment you are unfamiliar with. And that's okay. All it takes is a willingness and an open mind, and we will be here to help.
Please feel welcome to reach out if you have any questions.
What is?
Effective For (but not limited to)
Chronic Pain
Back, Knee and Hip Pain
Auto-Immune Disorders
Stress (and everything related)
Hormonal Disorders
Nerve Function and Sensitivity
Plantar Fasciitis
Weakened Immune Systems
Emotional Imbalance
Overall Sense of Wellbeing
Please Note:
Daves treatments are eligible for insurance coverage through massage therapy, he does not direct bill.
Alice is not eligible for any insurance coverage.
Initial Consult/Treatment
with Dave Maybee
$150 (includes HST)
Follow up Auricular Treatments
with Dave Maybee
$110 (includes HST)
Initial Consult/Treatment
with Alice Patterson
$140 (HST included)
Follow Up Reflexology Treatments
with Alice
$110 (HST included)